View the overall quality of your barangay’s disaster risk reduction and management plan across the prescribed quality benchmarks.
View the overall quality of your barangay’s disaster risk reduction and management plan across the prescribed quality benchmarks.
See a summary of disaster risk reduction and management plan quality ratings of barangays in your city or municipality over time.
Look at the snapshot of your barangay’s disaster risk reduction and management plan quality rating through a user-friendly Geographic Information System.
The Quality Assurance System for DRRM Plans is a collection of tool which aims to help attain the national goal of zero casualty during disasters. It provides a platform for reviewing and improving the quality of Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (LDRRM) Plans with prescribed benchmarks. A product of inter-agency and multi-sector cooperation, it helps ensure that local government units and communities work together to make sure they become more resilient and prepared for disasters or any other untoward event. The Quality Assurance System assists local government units in identifying priority actions for ensuring their citizenry are safe and secure. It also promotes inclusive and participatory DRRM planning with provisions for the most vulnerable members of Filipino communities including children, youth, pregnant and lactating mothers, women, the elderly, persons with disability, and Indigenous People. |
The Barangay Disaster Risk Reducation Management Plan Template is design to assist barangay to formulate Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (LDRRM) Plan that captures all the necessary information to come up with quality plan. It is form format where a comprehensive information of the barangay can be filled in. A self directed instructions are embedded within the documents to come up with a functional BDRMM organizational structure, risk assessment, maps and among others. The instructions are in Filipino language. Forms, tables and map templates are given along with detailed instruction in coming up with local context information. Programs, projects and activities for DRMM are also in a template format to easily capture the activities of the barangay in accordance to other plans mandated by oversight agencies.
Save the Children Philippine in cooperation and partnership with Local Government Academy roll out the first batch of capability training on Quality Assurance System for BDRRM Plan for Luzon Cluster. It was participated by Local Government Units, Regional DILG Representatives, OCD and Local
Read moreSave the Children Philippine in cooperation and partnership with Local Government Academy roll out the first batch of capability training on Quality Assurance System for BDRRM Plan for Luzon Cluster. It was participated by Local Government Units, Regional DILG Representatives, OCD and Local
Read moreTaining of Trainors of QAS Tool for Mindano Cluster was held in Davao City. It was attended by different Provincial LGUs, municipality, OCD and LRIs in Mindanao. The events are clustered into different modalities. Series of lectures was conducted to familiarized different part of the assurance
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